Thy Kingdom Come

Disciples, like Jesus had, and we who are their successors, have to have a long view of their discipleship. Today’s Epistle from Romans says “I consider the sufferings of the present time are as nothing compared with the glory to be revealed for us … all creation is groaning in…

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I was walking outside when I observed a majestic red-tailed hawk soaring high above a field. It was so inspiring to watch this awesome bird glide and soar on the currents of the wind. Suddenly a tiny sparrow began to dive at the hawk and pick at it and then retreat,…

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We’re in it together

Intimacy might be the key idea in the Gospel for this 14th week of ordinary time. Being a disciple can be a daunting idea and task. This week we are given a “you can do it” hug. How? In the first reading from Zechariah we hear about a king who…

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The other day I was driving home from an area of Los Angeles in which I am very unfamiliar. Getting home I used my GPS. Driving along the freeway the GPS informed me that I could save 28 minutes by taking another route. So, with my sense of exploration, I…

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The world is our oyster!

Last week’s focus — Jesus instructing his disciples for their mission of evangelization — continues in today’s Gospel and really in all the July Gospels. Remember, his instruction to his disciples is meant for us today! Vatican II lifted up the vocation of the non-ordained person by naming our mission:…

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Calling all disciples

After the Easter Season and the great post Easter solemnities of Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, and the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, we return today to the “counted weeks” of the liturgical year called “ordinary time.” In the Gospel for this cycle A, 12th Sunday of ordinary time…

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Most of the tremors that happen in Guatemala I don’t notice. Last night I did. It woke me up. It was a tremor here, but in Tajamulco it was 6.9. Thanks be to God it was deep enough to not do horrible damage like the last earthquake they had there…

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A bubble blessing

Recently I was at a week-long training session in Chicago. The last day we had an integration/retreat day. After I had re-read all of the notes I had taken and reviewed the week in my mind, I decided to take a walk down to Lake Michigan, only about a 15-minute…

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Food for life

“Unless you eat of the flesh of the Son of Man and drink of his blood, you do not have life within you, we hear proclaimed in the Gospel for this feast of the Body and Blood of Christ.” (Jn 6: 51-58) Many of the Jewish listeners were scandalized —…

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One day!

The Spider Wort plant sends up tall stocks that produce what I would call a “fist full” of tiny buds. It is my observation that each of these buds burst open to reveal a trinity of deep purple petals held together by a golden crown of pollen producing stamen. Each…

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