
“Do not let me hear again, the voice of the Lord my God, nor look any longer on this great fire, or I shall die” (from first reading of fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Deut. 18: 15-20). We create layers of insulation between us and God. God seems dangerous, scary,…

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January 28, Anxiety – a Sunday Scriptures blog

The second reading for this Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (1 Cor 7:32-35) always makes me giggle! Paul says, I should like you to be free from anxieties, and then in the rest of the passage he proceeds to list how everyone experiences anxieties — unmarried or married, men or women! Commentary says that…

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New Year’s Super Moon

The first two nights of the New Year were crystal clear and the first supermoon of the month was out in all its supermoon glory. I had noticed it as it rose big and full over the horizon. Several hours later, I looked out a window again and was amazed…

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January 7, Gifts – a Sunday Scriptures blog

The U.S. church celebrates the Feast of Epiphany on January 7. The story of the three mystery visitors is from Matthew’s Gospel, and they are “from the east.” An often-made point by preachers and Scripture scholars is that Matthew is introducing a main theme of his Gospel, that Jesus of Nazareth is…

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What’s on your tree?

As a kid I remember the anticipation and impatience of waiting for the adults to decide it was time for the Christmas tree. The impatience quickly turned to excitement as we went in search of the perfect tree. We always had real Christmas trees. Often, over the years, we had…

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