
A morning walk in the woods reveals streaks of bright shining sunlight which illuminate a variety of areas scattered liberally throughout. Chipmunks, groundhogs and squirrels scamper and jump playfully in shadows and sunlight, navigating the contrasts and transitions with effortless ease and wild abandon. The wonder and awe of it…

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May we hear the tiny whispering voice

I was recently at a meeting where the opening prayer was the story of Elijah, to whom God says, “Go outside and stand on the mountain before the Lord; the Lord will be passing by” (1 Kings 19:9a, 11-16). Elijah hears the wind, the earthquake, the fire and finally the…

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June 17, Growth – a Sunday Scriptures blog

It is the middle of the growing season, and we have Scriptures about growth today. The first reading (Ezekiel 17:22-24) describes God’s power to make trees spring up for the birds of the air. Our Gospel (Mark 4:26-34) combines two parables, one about grain growing and the other about a…

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June 10, Family – a Sunday Scriptures blog

In today’s Gospel from Mark, Jesus seemingly turns a cold shoulder on his mother and “brothers” (extended family). When told they were outside the house where he was teaching, Jesus says: “Who are my mother and my brothers? … For whoever does the will of God is my brother and…

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June 3, Covenant – a Sunday Scriptures blog

The whole world watched the wedding of Prince Henry of England and Meghan Markle, it seems! Their ceremony was filled with symbols — words said, rings exchanged, hands clasped and covered with a stole, and, of course, kisses. The symbols told us that we were watching a fundamental change taking…

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A higher law

On the news today I heard a story about a woman of color who had been insulted at a campus diversity rally. A reporter asked her, “How do you answer a person who says, as this person did, ‘Freedom of speech is my First Amendment right’?” I began to think…

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