Recipe for Discernment

Last night, my foster son and I baked a cake. He read each step in the recipe, one by one, as we went along. From pre-heating the oven, to spraying the pan, and then adding ingredients, the steps were easy and we expected a fluffy, delicious cake as long as…

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May 19, Glorified: a Sunday Scriptures blog

Now is the Son of Man glorified, and God is glorified in him (Jn 13:31). Jesus speaks these words right after Judas leaves to arrange his arrest. He is telling his disciples that his coming crucifixion and death is a beginning, not an end. Shakespeare’s line “The evil that men…

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May 12, Good Shepherd: a Sunday Scriptures blog

It is “Good Shepherd Sunday,” but beware! There is a dark theme in the readings. In the first reading from Acts, Paul and Barnabas are treated with “violent abuse” and “expelled” from Antioch in Pisidia. In the second reading from Revelation, those standing before the Lamb in white robes “have…

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April 21, Risen: a Sunday Scriptures blog

“They have taken the Lord from the tomb, and we don’t know where they put him.” No one saw the resurrection; they saw that the body had disappeared. And then a new experience began to happen, appearances of Jesus in a body that seemed the same but also seemed very…

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March 31, My Party: a Sunday Scriptures blog

The oldest son in today’s familiar “prodigal son” parable is easy for many of us to identify with! In many families, one child may feel that another child got more love and attention from parents than they did. And that actually may be the case, for example in families where…

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