Reconciliation, redemption and resurrection

Most Catholics have heard of the Franciscans, Dominicans and Benedictines. The Franciscans work for the poor and the Dominicans are preachers. Benedictines are known for their contributions to liturgy. Fewer Catholics have heard of “Precious Blood Spirituality” and even less know what it means. A year ago, I introduced our…

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On our way

As we remember those who have gone before us and leaving us their example, I keep thinking that all of us are “on our way.” Just recently I attended a national conference which had as its thrust, “missionary discipleship.” For me these two themes fit together for several reasons. Since…

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November 3, Hoarding: a Sunday Scriptures blog

Today we hear the familiar story of Zacchaeus, the man in the tree. Our lectionary skips the preceding and contrasting story about the wealthy official who, unlike Zacchaeus, cannot give to the poor in order to follow Jesus. So clearly Zacchaeus, who is wealthy, has the internal freedom to give…

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October 27, Humility: a Sunday Scriptures blog

For several of the last years, I met homeless people, at shelters, or as patients at the county hospital. It surprised me how they almost never made excuses for themselves. They admitted freely to addictions, to lives marked by irresponsibility and even crime — that is, they were admitted sinners.…

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October 13, Outsiders: a Sunday Scriptures blog

Outsiders, “others,” are prominent in Sunday Scriptures this week. In the Hebrew Scripture reading, we hear the ending of the Naaman story. He was a Syrian who comes to the Hebrew prophet Elijah for healing. The Gospel follows with the account of the curing of 10 lepers — themselves ostracized…

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