A meditation for the pandemic

be still and know that I am GOD in noise in hope in grief in family in faith in wisdom in who to trust in social distancing in financial worries in wellness in privilege in blessing of time   in silence in betrayal in solitude in sickness in hope in…

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A New Lenten Fast

This is not the Lenten season any of us would have expected. Annually Lent is a time of grace, a time we choose to do some serious spiritual housecleaning. As one homilist put it: it is the spring training of our spiritual lives. A time to brush up on basic…

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The Good Lord Giveth

It was only March 3, but the daffodils were already pushing up through the ground: tender green shoots. Four days later and even though the temperatures had hovered near freezing for several nights, buds had appeared. A warmer winter and a south-facing flower bed had convinced these hardy harbingers of…

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Brain teaser

You know how you’re out taking a walk and your mind is on a million and one things, when out of the corner of your eye you catch sight of something intriguing, but then you are already past it. Your brain, however, that amazing creation, scans through thousands, maybe millions…

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