A Windy Day

Recently the readings after Easter included the one from the Gospel of John where Jesus tells Nicodemus that the “wind blows where it will,” cautioning him that he does not know where it comes from or where it goes. About that same time we were experiencing some blustery April winds,…

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May 16: Ascension, a Sunday Scriptures blog

In the United States, the Solemnity of Ascension is celebrated today. The opening prayer for Ascension puts into words the deepest meaning of this feast: … the Ascension of Christ your Son is our exaltation, and, where the Head has gone before in glory, the Body is called to follow…

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Spring beauties

One of the Sisters I live with has taken to exclaiming each morning as she leaves the house: “Oh, the golden daffodils!” They are there every spring, but it seems this year they are getting more notice. Perhaps it is because of the long year of the pandemic where nothing…

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