July 18: Walls, a Sunday Scriptures blog

On this 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time (the counted weeks of the liturgical year), the first Hebrew Scripture reading and the Gospel both speak about shepherds. So I expect we might hear homilies about this theme. But the second reading from Ephesians is especially significant for our Precious Blood family.…

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July 4: Our Country, a Sunday Scriptures blog

Remember that saying we learned as children? Sticks and stones will break your bones, but words will ever hurt you. Probably you and I learned pretty early in life that this saying is not true! Rejection hurts. We all face rejection, often delivered with words. A special kind of rejection…

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June 13: Mustard seed, a Sunday Scriptures blog

In this Sunday’s Gospel reading, Jesus is talking about the “kingdom of God,” a very different kingdom from kingdoms of worldly rulers. Jesus uses teaching images of seeds that sprout and grow of their own accord, and of the mustard seed, “the smallest of all the seeds on the earth,”…

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Meal Prayer

Several times a day I check out the activity at the bird feeder to see which birds are showing up today. It is always a guessing game: Will it be the several cardinal pairs, the rufous-sided towhee, the various sparrows and finches, the mourning dove, the red-bellied woodpecker or all…

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