August 8: Lament, a Sunday Scriptures blog

In last week’s passage from Exodus, Moses is complaining to God. Even though God had provided the people with manna and quail, they were bitterly complaining about the food they were given. Moses said: “Why … [did] you burden me with all this people? Was it I who conceived all…

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Doe and fawns

The other night, at the last light of dusk, the motion-sensor light on the garage came on, illuminating the backyard. Curious, I looked out to see what triggered it and saw a tawny doe with her twin fawns. The spots on the twins were just beginning to fade but were…

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August 1: Bread, a Sunday Scriptures blog

My Italian father insisted that there always be bread on the dinner table, no matter what the meal was! Bread is the “staff of life” in so many cultures. I’ve noticed that inflation in underdeveloped countries is often measured by a rise in the price of bread, and emergency food…

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