August 21, Narrow Gate: a Sunday Scriptures blog

Great-grandparent Catholics can remember the days when Catholics thought maybe only they were saved, not “those Protestants.” At the time of Jesus, it seemed some of his Jewish people believed they also had an “in” on salvation, not “those Samaritans” or “those gentiles.” Today’s Scripture has someone asking Jesus, “Lord,…

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August 14, Conflict: a Sunday Scriptures blog

Most people I know do not enjoy conflict and usually choose “peace at any price.” Today’s Scriptures are teaching that conflict is part of discipleship. Why? Because living by Jesus’ way, being “kingdom people,” inevitably conflicts with the ways of the world in which we find ourselves. In today’s Gospel,…

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August 7, Things Unseen: a Sunday Scriptures blog

Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen. This first line of Sunday’s second reading from Hebrews (11:1) is profound. It is counterintuitive — we operate ordinarily on proof, things we can see, figure out, measure. “Seeing is believing,” we say, like Thomas…

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July 31, Treasures: a Sunday Scriptures blog

Do you think humans have advanced any morally since the time of Jesus? This weekend’s Scriptures make me wonder! They could be news stories from today’s world. Greed today, as in Jesus’ day, leads to embezzlement and Ponzi schemes, estrangements in families over inheritances, the inequity between the wealthy and…

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July 3, Cities: a Sunday Scriptures blog

In 1630, John Winthrop urged his fellow Massachusetts Bay colonists to aspire to “be as a city upon a hill, the eyes of all people are upon us.” Later John Kennedy used Winthrop’s image to describe how he wanted his own administration to lead, and Ronald Reagan was also fond…

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June 19, We Are Family: a Sunday Scriptures blog

Recently someone told me about their family reunions. Because the grandparents were a farm couple with large numbers of siblings and children, the reunions are very large. So in addition to nametags, the different descendant branches of the family wear shirts of different colors! And there is some food provided,…

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